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Rilasciato DeviceLock® DLP Suite 8.1 RC

14/07/15 Update

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  • DeviceLock: Added support for shadow copying of files written to TS Devices – Mapped drives. Content Aware Rules for shadow copy operations are also supported.
  • DeviceLock: Improved performance for Removable devices when Content-Aware Rules and Shadowing settings for Removable are set.
  • DeviceLock: Improved auditing for devices.
  • DeviceLock: DeviceLock Management Console and DeviceLock Enterprise Manager do not automatically set “Encrypted” flag for files opened or viewed in Shadow Log viewers as before.
  • DeviceLock: Fixed issue that caused “Read-only” option to malfunction for some devices in USB White List.
  • DeviceLock: Fixed intermittent issue that caused “SMTP for alerts is unavailable and temporary disabled due to error: -9 - Can't establish connection” error message appearance in Audit Log on DeviceLock Service startup on some systems.
  • DeviceLock: Fixed issue that caused inability to load Service Settings (.dls) file with defined Content-Aware Rules in DeviceLock Enterprise Manager.
  • DeviceLock: Fixed issue that caused DeviceLock Service to remain in “Starting” mode for an extended time when there are many data files and entries in Shadow Log.
  • DeviceLock: Improved general compatibility with third-party software products: GoToMeeting, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
  • What's New in DeviceLock 8.1 Beta 2?

    • NetworkLock: Added new protocol: "WhatsApp Web". "WhatsApp Web" control supports contextual blocking, allowing, auditing and alerting for connections established by browsers with WhatsApp Web service site.
    • NetworkLock: Added new File Sharing protocol control service: Cloud Mail.ru.
    • NetworkLock: Enhanced LinkedIn Social Network control.
    • NetworkLock: Enhanced Yahoo! Mail Web Mail control.
    • NetworkLock: Enhanced OneDrive File Sharing web service controls.
    • NetworkLock: Improved support for Google web services when using Chrome browser and other browsers based on Chromium.
    • NetworkLock: Removed support for the RapidShare File Sharing protocol control due to the closure of their web service.
    • ContentLock: Enhanced logic for Allow Shadowing and Allow Detection rules when applying them to containers (archives or Microsoft Office documents).
    • ContentLock: "Text extraction not supported" option in Document Properties rule group can now be used to allow multi-volume archive transfers.
    • ContentLock: Added regular expression validator "Credit Card Number (Diners Club Carte Blanche)".
    • ContentLock: Fixed issue that caused "Less than" condition for "File size" parameter of "Document Properties" rule group to work incorrectly.
    • Search Server: Improvements in overall server service stability.
    • Discovery: DeviceLock Discovery now able to scan local synchronization folders of cloud-based file hosting applications. The following services are supported: Amazon Cloud Drive, Box, Cloud Mail.ru, Copy, Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, MediaFire, OneDrive, SpiderOak, SugarSync, Yandex.Disk. Discovery Agent automatically detects all synchronization folders on computer for selected services and performs scanning and configured Discovery actions for files stored in these folders.
    • Discovery: The DeviceLock Discovery Server now supports scanning for "Predefined" paths while in agentless mode.
    • DeviceLock: It is now possible to view the list of attachments (the name and size of attached file/s) for MAPI, SMTP, IBM Notes and Web Mail shadow copies using "View attachments" contextual menu item in the Shadow Log Viewer for DeviceLock Service and DeviceLock Enterprise Server in DeviceLock Management Console and the Shadow Log Viewer in the DeviceLock Enterprise Manager console.
    • DeviceLock: Improved notification algorithm for "Protocols blocked message" and "Basic IP Firewall blocked message" to suppress redundant and duplicated notifications.
    • DeviceLock: Show Message History dialog now shows latest notifications at the top of the list when clicking on the DeviceLock Tray Icon.
    • DeviceLock: Fixed Beta 1 issue that caused File Type and Protected fields in Shadow Log Viewer to stay blank for some specific file types.
    • DeviceLock: Fixed Beta 1 issue in DeviceLock WebConsole that caused inability to add any rule using Content-Aware Rules.

    What's New in DeviceLock 8.1 Beta 1?

    • NetworkLock: Added new File Sharing protocol control service: iCloud. When using iCloud Mail, outgoing email messages are intercepted and controlled by POST Requests permission.
    • NetworkLock: Added new protocol: "IBM Notes" for handling IBM Domino email transactions via NRPC protocol using the IBM Notes (formerly Lotus Notes) client. "IBM Notes" supports blocking, allowing, auditing, alerting, shadowing and content analysis separately for outgoing messages and file attachments as well as auditing, alerting, shadowing and content analysis (for contingent shadowing) for incoming messages and file attachments.
    • NetworkLock: Added new protocol: "Torrent". "Torrent" control supports contextual blocking, allowing, auditing, alerting for connections established by torrent-clients with their servers and peers.
    • ContentLock: Enhanced "Add Rule" dialog. Now it is possible to select device types (or protocols) and see actions available for all selected devices (or protocols). In resulting rule, only the actions applicable for particular device type (or protocol) are effective.
    • DeviceLock: New Content-Aware rule type – Detection. Such rules do not allow or deny the data transfer. The data stream is analyzed and it will only log or alert special informational events if matched content is found in the data stream. In most cases, the processing of these rules is made asynchronously and data transfer performs faster for endpoint users (compared to Permissions rules).
    • DeviceLock: There are two new user pop-up messages: "Devices blocked read message" and "Devices blocked write message". These messages are shown when respective read or write attempts are blocked by both implied and explicit device permissions.
    • DeviceLock: DeviceLock Enterprise Server now able to install, update and uninstall DeviceLock Service on remote computers using Monitoring feature.
    • DeviceLock: There are two new fields in Shadow Log Viewer: "File Type" and "Protected". File type displays the real type of the file in the shadow log based on its signature. Protected field contains information about protection methods for password-protected or encrypted files.
    • DeviceLock: Added new audit log report: "DeviceLock policy changes". It shows all granular policy changes, the time the change was made and the name of user who made the change.
    • DeviceLock: DeviceLock Tray Notification Utility now able to show history of all shown notifications.